💼 Work eligibility enhancement

More accurate information about candidate work eligibility

Project: Put people first Type: ✨ Enhancement User: 🤝 All users

Key changes

Notion image
  • Candidates can provide more specific information about their work eligibility for different locations on their profile.
  • Company users can see this information on profiles, to help them make a more informed decision when deciding whether to message


Multiple parts of cord were being affected by confusion around the visa status of candidates. The verification team might have been rejecting people who have the right to work. Companies were messaging people who don't meet their visa requirements. People were speaking with companies who they end up not being able to legally work for. This was creating a bad experience for companies & people.


When joining cord, people can now add their work eligibility more granularly. This information is displayed on their profiles in company user streams, so companies can make a more informed decision before messaging.


At the beginning of the year this came up as one of the biggest problems our users are facing.


Thank you to every single person who has contributed to getting us to this point. To CS, Sales and T&S for being the voice of the user and helping us really get to the bottom of the problem by bringing it up and highlighting it persistently. To T&P for ideating on how we can fix it. Katerina for the designs. Vinu & Marco for building it (and handling quite a few setbacks and complications!). David for helping release it in the middle of the night. Brilliant team effort!


What’s next?

We’ve released an in-app notification to existing people on cord to prompt them to update their eligibility. There will be a period of time where the information on profiles varies - we'll keep an eye on how many people update their profiles, and prompt more strongly if we don't see as many updated as we'd like.

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