💼 Filter streams by company size and industry experience

Project: Enriched data Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🏢 Company

Key changes

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  1. Filter streams by candidates’ industry and company size experience.
  1. The web icon now redirects to the company’s Dealroom profile, if available.


Company users and prospects on demos often request to filter streams by industry experience and company size experience. This request has become more frequent since we launched into new verticals, where industry/company size experience tends to be more important (e.g. a FinTech start up hiring Account Executives might specifically want people who have start-up and FinTech experience).


This feature is a result of the Dealroom integration (read more here), which matches a candidate’s experience with the company data on Dealroom, meaning when there is a match we can provide the company size and industry on the candidate profile. Now we have that data, company users can filter their streams by company size experience and industry experience. Candidates’ experience appears on the mini profile under heading ‘Experienced in’, as well as on their full profile. A maximum of four items can appear on the mini profile (two industries and two company sizes - this is based on their most recent experiences). If they have more, it will show + X more

The web icon on the full profile has also been updated so that it takes the user to the company’s Dealroom profile, when available. Previously, the web icon always sent the user to a Google search of the company name (not the most helpful in some cases).

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Thanks for David (Back End) and Katerina (Front End) for building and releasing this feature 👏🏼

What’s next?

That’s it for now on this project, but in future we hope to use the company data to enhance other features on cord. Stay tuned 👀

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Last updated on August 17, 2023