💼 External position listings

People looking for work now have access to thousands more positions which have been indexed on cord.

Project: Aggregated positions Type: 🚀 Feature User: 🤝 All users

Key changes

People looking for work now have access to thousands more positions which have been indexed on cord.

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Getting access to all positions that might be suitable is one of the biggest challenges when looking for work. People are reliant on a variety of job boards / platforms, but there isn’t one place they can trust to list all positions available.

Listing these positions on cord also means that companies hiring will receive applications from another channel.


cord now aggregates external positions (i.e. positions listed by companies who are not currently using cord) across all skillsets. These are available to search and filter. Clicking apply will redirect users to the listing’s external page (usually a company’s career site) so that they can apply direct.

Companies hiring will be notified of how many candidates have shown interest in their position because of seeing it on cord. Companies can then claim their profile in order to view candidates and manage their positions.



Aggregating all external listings on cord has been a huge project, involving cordians from different teams. To begin, T&P built the infrastructure to allow for external positions to be listed on cord. An operations team, named Team AP (Aggregated Positions) ably led by Elma, has built a system that ensures new positions are listed, and existing positions are checked every day.

What’s next?

We’ll continue to list external positions. Team AP will continue to automate their process, to minimise manual checking / inputs.

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