📋 Loop 12


New updates and improvements.

Loop 12: releases, improvements and fixes

🎉 Releases

  • Candidates are automatically hidden from their current employer when they join cord. Read more here.
    • Candidates can control hiding themselves from companies when adding or editing experiences on their profile

📈 Improvements

  • Updated analytics ordering: company analytics per position is now ordered by most recently active, instead of posted date.
  • Changed ‘Claim your profile’ on cord.co/companies back to ‘See XXX live candidates’ (with live number of candidates)
  • Generated CVs for all active candidates, so every candidate has a cord CV
  • Live leaderboards are now available in company accounts
  • CV parser now additionally parses current location, social links (website and LinkedIn), languages and phone number, so that candidates do not need to add this information manually

🔧 Fixes

  • Fixed issue with ROI data not updating
  • Fixed issue where user wasn’t seeing dropdown list under what skills are you most interested in using? field
  • [internal] Fixed issue where admin console was refreshing when profile verifiers were midway working on a profile
  • Fixed issue where company users were not able to access a candidate’s CV even after starting a conversation
  • Handled concurrency error affecting aggregated positions
  • Fixed issue where Linkedin URL was not formatted correctly when added by users in self-build
  • [internal] Fixed missing candidate signup data
  • Fixed issue where some paying companies had external positions (external positions are posted for non-paying companies)
  • Fixed issue where a company couldn’t send candidates to their ATS
  • Fixed issue for company user where hiding candidates was not working across a shared stream
  • [internal] Cleaned up Google Optimise (removed inactive experiments)
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